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Letter of Appreciation from South Azerbaijani Organizations to Members of the European Parliament

Letter of Appreciation from South Azerbaijani Organizations to Members of the European Parliament

Honorable Members of the European Parliament

MEP Esther de LANGE
MEP Gabriel MATO

The letter you wrote to the High Representative of European Union for Foreign Affairs about the multifaceted discrimination and suppression policies implemented by the Iranian regime against the South Azerbaijani society, and your help in announcing the pain and problems of our people to the free world, was welcomed with great happiness and appreciation by our people.
As you emphasized, the ethnic groups in Iran, which constitute the majority of the country’s population, called “non-Persian nationalities”, face systematic political, economic, cultural and social discrimination and oppression of the Ayatollahs regime. The South Azerbaijani society and the other citizens of Turkic origin, who constitute 40% of the Iranian population in general, are also victims of the Iranian regime’s systematic discrimination, suppression, exclusion and denial policy. Unfortunately, this situation has gone so far as to destruction of historical monuments, the plunder of natural resources and the conscious destruction of the environment. The Urmia Lake environmental disaster, which directly threatens the lives of tens of millions of people and other living things, is the clearest example of this. Such man-made environmental disasters also occur in other ethnic regions such as Baluchistan and Ahvaz.
Unfortunately, our citizens who object to these oppression and injustices are severely punished by the regime of mullahs. In the most recent example, dozens of South Azerbaijani human rights activists are arrested and subjected to torture and interrogation in the last three months. These detained activists are not allowed to have a lawyer and their families cannot receive information about their situation. There are many such examples.

Honorable members of parliament;

We, as the South Azerbaijani organizations that signed this letter, thank you for being the voice of our people. We hope that, you will continue to be the voice of our oppressed people in the free world. Because anti-democratic totalitarian regimes harm all humanity by disrupting global peace and tranquility. We applied to international human rights organizations regarding our right activists who are being detained and tortured. We are sending the same appeal to you. We hope that you will help to hear the voices of South Azerbaijan activists who are detained and tortured.

Finally, thank you once again.

Azerbaijan Center Party – AMP

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization – Resistance

Azerbaijan Student Movement – AZOH

South Azerbaijan Democratic Party – GADP


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