Masuma Ibtikar asked the Interior Minister to write her mother’s name on her ID card.
Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Masuma Ibtikar demanded that the mother’s name be published in the ID cards along with the father’s name.
According to ISNA XA, Rouhani’s deputy for women and family affairs, Masuma Ibtikar, wrote on her Twitter page:
“Two weeks ago, in a letter, I asked the Interior Minister that the mother’s name should be written next to the father’s name on ID cards so that every Iranian can be identified by the names of both parents – mother and father, and national names on national cards.” to be written. ”
It should be noted that the President of Afghanistan instructed to write the mother’s name in the records of Afghans three days ago in order to show that the country is moving towards modernity in the eyes of international human rights organizations.
It seems that Masuma Ibtikar also wrote on Twitter that she wrote the letter to the Iranian Interior Ministry in order to promote herself among the Iranian people and gain sympathy among women.
Interestingly, according to Ibtikar, although he wrote the letter two weeks ago, he has not yet announced that he wrote such a letter, and only after such action in Afghanistan.
At a time when women’s rights are being widely violated in Iran, government officials such as Masuma Ibtikar are doing little to ensure women’s rights.
Because writing the names of mothers on the national card of Iran, such things that make women and the people happy, in fact, have no real impact on the improvement of the situation of women and will not. Therefore, the fact that Masuma Ibtikar wrote such a letter shows the true face of all Iranian government officials.