Forty percent of Western Azerbaijani society is engaged in agriculture. The statement came from Deputy Governor of West Azerbaijan Nadir Sadigi. According to him, the province has more than 1 million hectares of arable land. 850 hectares of these areas are planted and 200,000 people work here. Noting that 6.5 million tons of crops are grown in Western Azerbaijan, Sadigi noted that the province plays an important role in providing the country with food. “Western Azerbaijan is a neighbor of northern Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iraq.
There are plenty of water sources in the region. Therefore, it can become one of the leading provinces in terms of crop exports, “he said. However, the merchant stressed that the state could not use this opportunity enough. Sadigi stressed the importance of adjusting the country’s foreign policy. Thus, tolid will increase in the country and economic development may occur.
The use of international standards for the export of crops will play an important role in solving problems. Touching on Iran’s sanctions, Sadiqi stressed the need to improve the export of non-oil products. He said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, especially the Department of Economic Affairs, should increase its efforts in this direction.