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The first Pilot Woman in America in the family of the South Azerbaijan National Movement

Sahar Salahshur

Captain Sahar Salahshur was born in Tabriz and moved to the United States with her family as a teenager.

Captain Sahar Salahshur, born in 1353 in the main village of South Azerbaijan, Tabriz, the first daughter of the famous national activist Riaza Salahshur and Nahid Khanum Farrukh, the first granddaughter of Heydar and Sakina Farrukh, moved to America in 1988 and realized her dream to be a pilot.

At the age of 7, Sahar khanum, along with Azerbaijani national dances, started the harmonica with the great master of music Mahmud Shatiriyan and later continued to learn the harp from the master Yusuf Abdulazimzade.

She graduated from kindergarten and her first school in Tabriz, her high school in Istanbul and her higher education in America.

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