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The Black Trees of Tabriz are on the verge of extinction

The trees called Narvan in Farsi, which means Black Tree in Turkish, are considered to be the most famous trees of the city of Tabriz.

The biggest enemy of these trees is the “Eagle Leaf Eating Insect”.

For many years, this problem has been ignored in the city of Tabriz. The effect of this threat can be seen in the destruction of these trees in the city of Tabriz.

If the responsible people continue to ignore this problem, there will be no Black Tree in Tabriz in the next 1-2 years.

Compared to the planting of new trees, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the maintenance of existing trees is more profitable and less expensive, as well as the lack of greenery in Tabriz and the late and difficult cultivation of trees due to the cold climate of this city.

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