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Culture and Art

Tabriz Bazaar and Istanbul Bazaar are called brothers

General Directorate of Heritage and Tourism of East Azerbaijan

“This brotherhood is being pursued by the General Directorate of Heritage and Tourism of East Azerbaijan, the Turkish Governorate and Consulate in Tabriz,” said the director of the Tabriz Bazaar World Heritage Site on Thursday, October 23rd.

Mr. Sangari said: “After the fire that broke out in Tabriz Bazaar, extensive studies were conducted on fire crisis management, and now we intend to implement a crisis management plan before other crises occur, such as earthquakes and even damage that can turn into a crisis.” “And define and explain the job descriptions of the various bodies.”

“The bazaar is not a single building but a 27-hectare arch and dome, and when it comes to the world’s largest covered brick structure, crisis management is very important,” he added.

“We will continue the renovations whenever funds and credits are allocated,” Mr Sangari told “Dohchi Bazaar Emergency Restoration Continued”.

Mr. Ismail Sangari stated, “Currently, not only do we not have foreign tourists, but also domestic tourists travel less. In fact, it can be said that most of the people of Tabriz go to the market to shop, and in the current situation, the number of domestic tourists is very small. “It’s 10 percent from previous years.”

Tabriz Bazaar Complex, with an area of ​​about one square kilometer, is the largest indoor commercial place in the world and has been registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Any political, religious, economic and social activities take place in this market. 7,000 shops in Tabriz market are economically active, most of which are related to the carpet industry and its accessories.

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