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Statement of the South Azerbaijan and Qaşqayi Organizations about the letter of the Israeli MPs about South Azerbaijan

🔹Recently, 32 parliament members, who make up more than a quarter of the Israeli parliament, wrote a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Eli Cohen, asking Israel to defend the rights of South Azerbaijan. They also wrote that the independence of South Azerbaijan would be in Israel’s interests.

🔹This letter of the members of the Israeli parliament was naturally appreciated by South Azerbaijani society. Because despite having struggle for freedom and rights for many years the society of South Azerbaijan have faced a big boycott in Iran’s Persian-language media and western media. Now South Azerbaijani people saw and understand that there are people in the world who hear their voice and the issue of South Azerbaijan is on the agenda of the world states. This letter from the parliament of an important country like Israel is the clearest proof of this fact.

🔹The Israeli parliamentarians rightly emphasized that the Turkic nation of Azerbaijan and the nation of Israel are friends and allies. Azerbaijanis will never forget Israel’s support for the liberation of Karabakh. This is forever written in the history of Israel-Azerbaijan friendship. As the Azerbaijanis see, who took part in the enemy’s bow in the Azerbaijanis war for homeland. Who, they have colonized South Azerbaijan for more than a century and are doing everything for its destruction. Those fascist groups are attacking and condemning Israeli parliamentarians today. Because they are not in favor of friendship, peace and sharing, but in favor of injustice and colonialism. Unfortunately, in this historical injustice, the Persian opposition organizations cooperate with the Iran’s bloody dictator Islamic regime.

🔹We, as organizations of South Azerbaijan, thank the Israeli parliamentarians for bringing the issue of South Azerbaijan to the world agenda and for being the voice of our rights. We believe that this letter is written in the history of Israel-Azerbaijan friendship, too.

🔷Long live Israel-Azerbaijan friendship

♦️Azerbaijan Center Party

♦️Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization

♦️ Qashyari Freedom Way Party

♦️South Azerbaijan Democratic Party

♦️South Azerbaijan National Liberation Movement


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