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Parts of Amazon Rainforest Are Emitting More Carbon Than They Absorb

A nine-year study of four sites in Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest found that those areas emitted more carbon (CNN) than they absorbed, apparently due to climate change and deforestation

A nine-year study of four sites in Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest found that those areas emitted more carbon (CNN) than they absorbed, apparently due to climate change and deforestation. The Amazon has historically played a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate by acting as a carbon sink.

Cuba: Commenting on Cuba’s anti-government protests, President Biden said the United States will not restore permission for remittances (Reuters) to the island that ended under President Donald Trump. He also said the United States would consider sending COVID-19 vaccines to Cuba if an international organization administered them.

This Backgrounder looks at U.S.-Cuba relations.

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