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Nadir Mukhtari, one of the Aban protesters, was killed


Nader Mokhtari, a political prisoner and one of the protesters in November, has been in a coma for several months due to batons during the protests and the deterioration of his physical condition.

Immediately before Nowruz 1399 and after regaining consciousness and contrary to the opinion of specialist doctors and family, he was transferred to Kahrizak Detention Center (now Soroush 1111) by security agents and was hospitalized in a critical condition.

According to the Kaleme website, Nader Mokhtari, 35, was one of the protesters in the city of Karaj in November 2009. He had been missing for a month after the November protests.

According to Kaleme, citing an informed source, security agents, despite the deteriorating condition of the prisoner, insisted on keeping him in Kahrizak Detention Center (now Soroush 111), which worsened his condition, and he died on Saturday, September 20th.

The informed source said that his body had not been handed over to his family so far and that the family of the political prisoner and the protesting protester had been severely pressured and threatened.

In his latest report to the UN General Assembly, Javid Rahman, the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran, described the crackdown on protests by police, the IRGC, and the Basij as “extremely violent” and “worrying”.

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