Iran’s bias against Azerbaijan continues after the Second Karabakh War. During the 44 days that the Republic of Azerbaijan began to liberate its lands from the occupation of Armenia, Iran’s “friend in the face, in fact, the enemy” attitude towards the Republic of Azerbaijan, as always, shows itself. On the eve of the Second Karabakh War, the bias of most media outlets in this country against Azerbaijan can be clearly seen. Not only the pro-government media in this country but also the pro-opposition media are not afraid to publish information that will cause public disagreement in this regard.
The victorious army of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been fighting with all its might for the liberation of the historical territory of Karabakh occupied by Armenia since 1991 and 7 surrounding masters. These regular operations, the successful counter-attack of the Azerbaijani Army on the enemy, will begin on September 27, 2020. With the outbreak of war, a number of realities emerge in the political space. Thus, Russia’s socio-political, economic, as well as regular, geographical support to the occupying Armenia, France’s response to the Armenians and so on. demonstrates once again the sympathy of these countries against Armenians. The Minsk Group’s indifference to Azerbaijan’s just position on the Karabakh issue and its disregard for historical facts in favor of this country has led to an attitude towards Armenia. Iran, which calls itself the Islamic Republic, has openly supported Armenia by ignoring the values of tolerance, solidarity, and multiculturalism, which has once again demonstrated Azerbaijan’s rightful position.
Iran’s economic and de facto support for Armenia for 30 years is confirmed by the speeches of the country’s officials. The whole world community is already aware of this issue. However, the just struggle of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the liberation of the ancient territory of Karabakh from Armenian occupation is of concern to a number of countries. As a result of the liberation of the border with the South Azerbaijani province of South Azerbaijan by the Azerbaijani army, Iran is shifting its hostility to Azerbaijan to another level. Thus, as always, the Iranian media is engaged in publishing information in favor of Armenia. The country’s media is uniting against the Republic of Azerbaijan and is beginning to tarnish and blackmail the war for justice in Azerbaijan in various ways, while distorting the realities.
Both official and unofficial Iranian media are trying to overshadow the victory of the brave Azerbaijani soldier. From the first day of the operation to liberate Karabakh and 7 surrounding masters from the Armenian occupation, false information has been written against the Republic of Azerbaijan. The successive victories of the Azerbaijani army and the success of the liberation of a large part of the occupied territories further irritate the Iranian media.
The country’s media does not hesitate to spread unsubstantiated news and reports about the Second Karabakh War, which is considered the Patriotic War of Azerbaijan. Naturally, all these steps are carried out purposefully. An example of this is the report of the Mashrig News newspaper on a photo taken by an Azerbaijani soldier near the Bridge of Longing. Thus, the newspaper published a photo of several soldiers on their lands liberated from Armenian occupation, near the Bridge of Longing, which connects the two northern and southern parts of Azerbaijan, under the headline “Memorial photo of Azerbaijani soldiers in Armenia.” It is clear from the headline of the report that an official Iranian newspaper still does not want to say that Karabakh and the territories around Karabakh are the land of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Or this media outlet is reluctant to admit historical facts.
Another example: As it is known, the Armenian armed forces fired missiles at the Azerbaijani city of Barda, or more precisely at the local infrastructure of this city. As a result of this provocation aimed at killing civilians, initially 21 locals were killed and more than 70 locals were injured. The Iranian media, trying to “cover” the incident in their own words, published the headline “21 Azerbaijanis killed regularly.” It is as if the Armenian army is targeting the regulars, not the civilian population. As a result, a number of Iranian media outlets have reported that Azerbaijan has called on mercenary terrorist groups to fight in Karabakh without providing any documents or evidence.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also expressed his position on this issue. He claims that terrorist groups are fighting in the region with his untrue claims. However, on November 10, 2020, these allegations turned out to be white lies and biased information. On the same date, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan signed a statement on the withdrawal of Armenians from the occupied territories of Karabakh. After the agreement, it is officially confirmed that Iran has no importance in this matter.
Iran pursued a policy of hostility towards Azerbaijan even before the Second Karabakh War. Iran has always demonstrated its approach to the issue by calling the ancient lands of the Republic of Azerbaijan “northern Iran”. With its foreign policy, this country is trying not to support Azerbaijan in the international arena as much as possible, to ignore neighborly relations and to penetrate into the internal affairs of the country.
Of course, it should be noted that after the November 10 agreement, Iran’s hostile position towards Azerbaijan is exacerbated by the economic crisis and future internal unrest. At the same time, inappropriate attitudes towards not only the Republic of Azerbaijan, but also the country’s officials are reflected in domestic and foreign policy. Several Iranian news sites, especially the Persian News Agency, have published an article entitled “Economic effects of the Azerbaijan-Armenia agreement on Iran” in the “Economic War” section. This article, authored by Ehsan Muwahhidian, will be published on November 13, 2020 under the title of 3-4 page analysis.
The Tehran-based Fars News Agency was founded in January 2003 by Said Najjar Nobari. The agency, which operates under the control of the terrorist organization Sipah Pasdaran and is subject to US sanctions for spreading rumors and false news, is a world-class news agency. Most of the officials of this agency, funded by Sipah Pasdaran, were previously members of the terrorist organization.
In his article entitled “Economic Impact of the Azerbaijan-Armenia Agreement on Iran”, the author draws attention to the phrase “Iran’s loss of the border with Armenia” and still does not recognize that the border region of Azerbaijan with Iran is the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This indirectly points to Iran’s bias, though not directly.
Of course, this analysis has no logical basis. It reflects the author’s hatred and resentment against the economic growth of Azerbaijan with the liberation of the territories occupied by the Armenians for only 30 years. Here is an expression from the author’s article:
“If we look at the map of the region in general, it is clear that there are new changes in the region, and Iran’s border with the Republic of Armenia is almost lost.”
The sentence used by the author indicates that he is referring to the shortest border of Iran with Armenia, which is 35 kilometers north of the province of East Azerbaijan, as the lands of South Azerbaijan. In this case, it is clear from the phrase “Iran’s border with the Republic of Armenia” used in that article that the author presents the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan as Armenian territory. The author notes that the agreement signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia will affect the economic and security issues of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In the continuation of this article, Ehsan Muwahhidian makes absurd allegations that Iran is not destructive against the Republic of Azerbaijan, but is in a constructive position. According to the article, it is clear from the statement that Iran’s interests have not been met, as if Turkey, the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the language of Iranian officials, is threatening the security, economic and political interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran through the cooperation of the “Zionist Regime” and terrorists.
The author must take into account that Iran, which calls itself an Islamic republic, has not actually protected Northern Azerbaijan, an Islamic country, for 30 years. It is obvious that this country is so-called friendly to Azerbaijan. Iran’s comprehensive assistance and even political support to Armenia, a Christian country, does not in any way give it the expression “Zionist Regime.” Because the state of Israel, like the Republic of Turkey, has closely supported the just struggle of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This support, as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, said, is only moral support.
Israel has not opposed Azerbaijan for 30 years and, unlike Iran, has fully recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan at the level of international organizations. Israel, which has supported Azerbaijan not only in words but also in deeds in the 44-day war, said it was always ready to provide regular assistance to the country.
In one part of the article, Ehsan Muwahhidian used the headline “Turkey’s biased intentions and possible consequences.” He used the term “rulers” instead of “state” and “government” when referring to Azerbaijan. The author, as if demonstrating a just position, turned Azerbaijan into a subject of criticism. He said that the Republic of Azerbaijan was concerned about the assistance of Turkey, as well as Israel’s opening of the legs of terrorists in Syria to the northern borders of Iran. According to him, it is as if Iran has deployed regular supplies to the region in order to implement its self-defense policy.
There is another point that Ehsan Muwahhidia should pay attention to: for 44 days, even after the signing of the known statement, there was no evidence of the fight of mercenary terrorists by Azerbaijan. As for Israel’s “stepping on” the region. In this regard, it is useful to recall one fact: Azerbaijan, unlike Iran, has never been hostile to countries. There have been and will not be any tendencies in this country that support terrorism. Azerbaijan, like Iran, is not a country that supports, supports and finances terrorism, and strives for the instability of the Gulf countries to be compared to other countries.
Unlike Iran, the Republic of Azerbaijan tends to call the world to unity and pursues a policy of mutual equality. In other words, roughly speaking, which country has close relations with which country is not an obligation that other countries will discuss. The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that it is able to establish friendly and good-neighborly relations with all countries of the world and even with Armenia if Azerbaijan vacates the occupied territories. Relations between Israel and the Republic of Azerbaijan are also developing in this regard. It has also been officially stated that it will not allow the use of the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan against any country. Iran, on the other hand, is taking revenge on Azerbaijan by using violence against the South Azerbaijanis, as it were, in a biased manner towards a number of countries and states.
Iran calls the support of the people of South Azerbaijan to their blood brothers, the North Azerbaijanis, provocation. That is why he oppresses them both physically and spiritually.
In countries such as Iran, where human rights are violated or even non-existent, the joy of the people at historic victories and the celebration of this is not considered a natural human right. These people, who consider themselves “intellectuals”, but in fact have a narrow mindset, do not hesitate to take a racist stance against the South Azerbaijanis. On the contrary, he tries to stifle their voice, their love of freedom.
One should not expect a different approach from those who are in a closed society, who do not even take simple human rights seriously, and who claim that all power is concentrated in the hands of the government.
According to another claim, Ehsan Muvahhidian said that the liberation of historical lands by the Azerbaijani Army could deprive Iran of billions of dollars in potential revenues. Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araghchi is believed to have indirectly responded to the allegations. Thus, he said on November 13 that there will be no changes in the yellow transit routes from Iran to Armenia or Azerbaijan. That is, there is no need to worry about making such claims.
Ehsan Muvahhidian strongly condemned the provocation, accusing Reza Khan of ceding part of Iran’s territory, including the Black Water region, to Turkey in 1923. Ehsan Muwahhidian writes:
“With the transfer of new territories to Azerbaijan, Turkey’s direct interest in Central Asia and the Caucasus will be possible. Thus, the implementation of the Baku-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline will be further accelerated. As a result, Russia and Turkey will easily exclude Iran in future plans to supply energy to Europe. “Billions of dollars that Iran can use will go to their budgets.”
The phrase “handing over new territories to Azerbaijan” is another sign that the facts have been distorted. As a result, it is said that other forces, not the Azerbaijani Army, are indirectly involved in the liberation of the occupied territories.
Ehsan Muvahhidian writes that Armenia is an important economic partner of Iran. There is an electricity and gas agreement with this country, and Iran has benefited from travel projects in various parts of Armenia. According to him, this is the first time that Iran has faced a complicated situation on its north-western borders. According to the author’s recommendation, the government must oppose any event that threatens Iran’s national security, independence and economic interests in any way. Otherwise, the consequences will be difficult for Iran to deal with, and the country could suffer heavy losses due to this negligence.
These words of Ehsan Muwahhidian are a direct call to Iran to enter the lands of Azerbaijan. Iran should know that if it takes such an unthinkable step, the country’s integrity could be threatened. In short, as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said: “We have created a new reality, and everyone must come to terms with these new realities.” So, Iran has no choice but to come to terms with these realities.
Muwahhidian called the peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan tragic. He said that with this peace, the pressure on Iran will increase. The article also says that Iran will be dictated by Turkey and Russia. Ehsan Muwahhidian noted that the withdrawal of Iran from Syria will be demanded. The author condemned the slowness of Iran’s diplomacy and said that for this reason Iran could not influence the Karabakh issue. The author is interested in Iran’s large-scale regular collection of equipment and ammunition on the border with Azerbaijan with the intention of Iran to protect its citizens on the border. It is an undeniable fact that Iran has set a goal to enter the Armenian-occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan by deploying regular equipment in that area. Armenia also fired several shells at Iran, allowing it to enter the occupied territories.
At the end of his article, Ehsan Mowahhidian noted that Iran is capable of shooting down American drones and firing missiles at the US headquarters in Ein al-Assad in Iraq. In short, Iran is trying to teach a hard lesson to countries that have plans that could have negative consequences for it.
Thus, according to Ehsan Muwahhidian, Iran still intends to create chaos in the region. Thus, the country can be considered a constant threat to the region. Therefore, if Iran tries to recognize the world, if it stops interfering in the region and a number of world countries, it can put an end to its policy based on negative consequences. There is no doubt that it is useful to put an end to Iran’s destructive policy.