Unfortunately, Iran, as a multiethnic and multi-identity country, is among the nations where linguistic discrimination is systematically enforced. We, the parties representing the oppressed nations in Iran, strongly condemn the unjust, discriminatory, fascist, and supremacist policies of the Iranian regime.
The fascist ruling system only recognizes Persian language and identity as the so-called constitutional, national language and identity.
As a result, the non-Persian communities of Iran including Azerbaijanis, Arabs, Kurds, Baloch, Turkmen, Lors, Qashqais, and others are subjected to systematic discrimination. Over the past century, successive Iranian regimes have deprived these non-Persian nations of their most basic human right: education in their mother tongue.
These language policies have had devastating economic, social, and political consequences for the oppressed nations in Iran, including:
1. Educational and scientific underdevelopment of Millions of non-Persian children, forced to study in Persian, face academic failure, early dropout rates, and educational alienation.
2. Cultural and social identity crisis,as the imposition of a single language and culture leads to cultural assimilation, identity crises, and social disintegration.
3. Economic discrimination and structural poverty as , monolingual and centralized policies marginalize non-Persian regions, depriving them of economic development. Azerbaijan, Balochistan, Ahvaz, Kurdistan, Lorestan, Qashqai lands, and other oppressed regions have been left behind in education, scientific advancement, and employment opportunities, making it difficult for them to compete with Persian-speaking regions. This exclusion has further reduced their presence in power structures, leading to deeper discrimination, poverty, and systemic underdevelopment.
In this context, political and security repression of civil and cultural activists fighting for linguistic rights continues. Cultural and language rights activists face persecution, arrest, and suppression. Any demand for mother tongue education is labeled as separatism and met with severe repression.
Therefore, we, the parties representing the oppressed nations in Iran, strongly condemn the unjust, discriminatory, fascist, and chauvinistic policies of the Iranian regime. We demand the restoration of the most fundamental right of the oppressed nations in Iran: the right to education in their mother tongue and the right to use their language in all aspects of their lives. Eliminating linguistic discrimination is the first step toward eliminating other forms of discrimination and injustice.
We also call on all international human rights organizations, UNESCO, and institutions advocating for linguistic rights to support the right to mother tongue education for all oppressed nations in Iran.
Long live the right to education in the mother tongue!
Long live freedom and equality for the oppressed nations in Iran!
February 21, 2025
1. Arab Struggle Movement of Ahwaz
2. Azerbaijan Democrat Firqasi
3.Azerbaijan center party
4. Balochistan Human Rights Campaign
5. Balochistan National Solidarity Party
6.Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK)
7. Qashqai Freedom Path Party
8. South Azerbaijan Democratic Party
9. South Azerbaijan Democratic Turkic Unity
10. South Azerbaijan Human Rights Center
11. South Azerbaijan Independence Party
12. South Azerbaijan Liberation Party
13. The Centre Against Racism in Iran