Israfil Fathollahzadeh, an Azerbaijani civil activist, was released from Ahar prison on Monday, July 28, to be released on bail.
The Azerbaijani activist is on leave while he is on leave, with about 40 days left in the 7-month sentence of this civil activist living in Ahar.
Israfil Fathollahzadeh was arrested by judicial officers on February 3, 2017 and was sent to Ahar Prison to serve a 7-month prison sentence.
Earlier, Mr. Fathollahzadeh was sentenced to seven months in prison for participating in a series of anti-racist protests related to the TV program “Fitileh”.
Mr. Fathollahzadeh was also arrested in Ahar on March 22, 1992, on International Mother Language Day.