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Hong Kong Records Population Drop

Hong Kong’s population fell by 1.2 percent (SCMP) over the past year, furthering the reversal of a growth trend from 2003 to 2020. One official said pandemic travel restrictions were partly to blame

Hong Kong’s population fell by 1.2 percent (SCMP) over the past year, furthering the reversal of a growth trend from 2003 to 2020. One official said pandemic travel restrictions were partly to blame, while a population expert at the University of Hong Kong said people might be leaving because of diminishing freedoms.

China: The construction of coal-powered steel mills in China sped up (FT) in the first half of 2021, making it likely that the steel sector will miss a target of keeping emissions at its 2020 levels, according to the watchdog Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air. A new UN climate report found that such emissions will have to drop sharply to avoid the worst trajectories for global warming.

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