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Honey production in Maragha has tripled

Ismail Karimi Asl

Director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Maragheh city said: with the replacement of breeding queens in beehives two years ago, honey production in the city has tripled.

In an interview on Saturday, Ismail Karimi Asl said that the native queen bees in Maragheh are mostly Caucasian: 10% of the beehives in this city are with improved queens.

He added: “Resistance to disease, low stinging, low fertility and high yields are the hallmarks of improved joints.”

The director of Maragheh agricultural jihad added: Maragheh beekeepers with 246 thousand colonies of native and modern hives produce 3,100 tons of honey.

Karimi pointed out: with the coordination of Maragheh Beekeepers’ Cooperative, breeding queens of the city’s hives have started and with the implementation of this plan, the use of honey production hives will be economical.

Maragheh is the center of honey production in East Azerbaijan and about 25% of the province’s honey is produced in this city.

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