According to the report of the Statistics and Data Center of the Research Center of the Households of the country, in order to provide the desired basket of the Ministry of Health, they have to spend at least more than one million and 800 thousand Tomans for food. But for the lower deciles and the more deprived classes, this number is lower and the Ministry of Health basket cannot be considered as a living floor.
Calories consumed in the third decile (poverty line border) were about 1934 calories per day. If this number is the basis, each household will need at least one million and 150 thousand tomans to provide the minimum living.
If the cost of food is generalized to the total cost, considering that the share of food is 31.8% of the total consumption basket of the third decile, every household in the country last month needed at least 3 million and 600 thousand tomans to be able to provide the minimum living.