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Houthi Negotiator Snubs New UN Envoy

The top negotiator for Yemen’s Houthi rebels said it would be useless to hold fresh talks (Reuters) with Hans Grundberg, the newly appointed UN envoy for the country, unless there is movement on the Houthis’ demand for an end to the blockade of rebel-held areas.

The top negotiator for Yemen’s Houthi rebels said it would be useless to hold fresh talks (Reuters) with Hans Grundberg, the newly appointed UN envoy for the country, unless there is movement on the Houthis’ demand for an end to the blockade of rebel-held areas.

Saudi Arabia: A Saudi court issued jail sentences (Middle East Eye) for sixty-nine Palestinians and Jordanians on charges of supporting Hamas, the armed group that rules the Gaza Strip, a Jordanian rights group said. The detainees, who have been held in Saudi Arabia since 2019, include businesspeople, students, and academics.

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