The Commander of the Protection Unit of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of Azerbaijan and the West said: “Five illegal diggers were arrested in Maki with the efforts of the officers of this unit and confessed to two excavations in the historical context.”
Behzad Hijabi told IRNA on Tuesday that diggers were digging deep tunnels in dilapidated houses in the two neighborhoods of Khanjarkhan and Shirbashi, Mako, using restrictions on the prevalence of coronary heart disease and the seclusion of these neighborhoods. They were 46 and 15 meters tall.
He stated: After receiving the report received from the people and monitoring the information, the drilling agents were arrested with the order to enter the house and their violation case was sent to the judicial authorities.
Referring to the prohibition of any excavations in the area of historical monuments and legal action against violators, he said: Last week, two illegal drilling networks and smuggling of antiques in Mahabad and Urmia were dismantled, which indicates the continuous monitoring and patrols of the protection unit of this department in the context. It is historical.
Maki is one of the northern cities of West Azerbaijan.
West Azerbaijan has more than 1,600 historical monuments listed in the National Monuments List and two world-renowned monuments, including the Chaldoran Church and the Throne of Solomon Takab.
Three domes and historical bazaar of Urmia, Sahulan Mahabad cave and Mahabad mineral canals, Urmia Anthropological Museum, Takab prison mountain, Nenneh Maryam church, Tamtman cave, Bastam fort, Mako pergola mansion, Ansari house, Jame Mosque and Sardar Urmia mosque are among the works It is considered to be the history of West Azerbaijan.